A Social Media Revolution

Social Media is not only here to stay, it has revolutionized the way an increasing number of entrepreneurs and executives communicate and engage with each other. It is critical for both executives and entrepreneurs to understand that this revolution has created a fundamental shift in the way people access information,…

How to Grow Your Business with Twitter – Start by Listening

Twitter is by far one of my favorite social networks.   Twitter is a particularly useful tool for small business owners because it can be leveraged to (i) initiate relationships with prospective clients, (ii) identify business opportunities, (iii) attract speaking engagements and (iv) meet industry colleagues.  When used strategically, Twitter can…

Build Your Brand On Facebook!

Facebook has more than 400 million active users and is the most visited website on the planet. This is serious business! Small business owners, you MUST use Facebook to increase visibility, build trust and increase your market share. Established business brands, you MUST use Facebook to engage clients, build loyalty…

You are who Google says you are …

When on-line, you are who Google says you are. Harsh, but true. In today's fast-paced, information driven world - Google has become the "go-to" resource for locating information and validating decisions. Neglect Google and you are essentially turning away clients and customers. Establishing a magnetic personal + business brand online…