21 Ways to Leverage the Power of Personal Marketing

21 Ways to Leverage the Power of Personal Marketing

Personal marketing involves the consistent sharing of valuable information that consistently (i) attracts your ideal clients; positions you as a expert and leading authority; and  (iii) keeps you on the minds of influencers and decision makers in your industry.   The combination of these three elements leads to systemically attracting new business opportunities…
ICONC Personal Branding for Professionals

ICONC Personal Branding for Professionals

An ICON is a object or symbol of uncritical devotion. It is loved, respected and in some cases revered. A personal brand is your unique promise of value. It is what a person expects when she hears your name or a person encounters anything that reminds him of you. Your…

Personal Branding for Lawyers

What's in a Personal Brand? Everything. A “brand” is the sum total of what people think when they encounter anything at all that reminds them of you. You have a personal brand. That's right, even you. A personal brand, quite simply, is your unique promise of value. It is what…

Key Tips for Building a Magnetic Business Brand

A magnetic brand is a "promise of value" that systematically and consistently attract your target market and ideal clients. This happens when you become clear about (i) your target market, (ii) the exact needs of your target market, (iii) your value as it relates to a bottom-line objective and (iv)…