I Love WordPress, Yes I Do.

I'm coming clean. In my opinion, a website built on the self-hosted WordPress platform is essential to building and maintaining an influential, profitable online presence.

If you are ready to leverage the power of the Internet to build your brand and grow your business –

  1. Build a WordPress self-hosted website – or integrate a WordPress blog into your existing website;
  2. Meet your ideal clients on social networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Biznik, Merchant Circle, FriendFeed, Ning communities, Yahoo Groups, etc.;
  3. Influence your new friends, fans and followers to head over to your website (“aka” home base) – where you have lots of content that's just for them (e.g., blog posts, articles, newsletters, polls, surveys, newsletters, etc.);
  4. Create valuable content with a strong call to action; and
  5. Optimize your WordPress site to help your business grow.

Here's my list of 5 essential tools for optimizing your WordPress website or blog –>

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Always, Play to Win!

T.C. Coleman, Esq.

Show 6 Comments


  1. Yes i love word press too. it is providing all the interesting gadgets. i have few blogs on word press. you mentioned all the right facts about it. it was helpful anyway 🙂

  2. Jane

    WordPress is really good for blogging. I like their gadgets and it’s very easy to navigate.

  3. Gina

    Thanks for your list of recommended plugins – there’s a couple there I will definately be taking a closer look at 🙂

  4. From a SEO perspective, Google adores WordPress, plus it has a huge development/support community and you can’t beat the price! What’s not to love?!

  5. Alison

    Hi! Thanks for the list of tools. Just started a new blog on wordpress. I’m still trying to figure the html layout codes and all. So thanks for this!

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