A Social Media Revolution

Social Media is not only here to stay, it has revolutionized the way an increasing number of entrepreneurs and executivessocial media rev communicate and engage with each other. It is critical for both executives and entrepreneurs to understand that this revolution has created a fundamental shift in the way people access information, form opinions about the quality and value of professional services (such as legal and financial services) and process hiring decisions.

The entrepreneurs and executives of both large brands and small companies who will be successful in expanding their market share in the 21st century, will be the ones who use social media and online marketing to (i) develop a magnetic personal brand; (ii) build a compelling online presence that resonates with their target audience and (iii) meet and engage clients in the online communities in which they spend their time.

Social media tools such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Plaxo, Facebook and private communities like 85Broads.com and private Ning communities, among others, allow entrepreneurs and executives to listen, share and engage in substantive online and offline conversations with prospective clients. Strategic use of these tools enables us to leverage expertise, build trust, attract business opportunities and increase our “Google currency.”

When people look for information, Google is most often the first stop. What clients and prospective clients find when they “Google” your business name will influence their perception of your brand and your expertise. Regardless of whether you like it, the existence and depth of your company's online presence makes an increasing significant statement about how relevant you are in today’s global society. This can and often does influence hiring decisions and buying decisions.

Now that you know the social media revolution has changed the landscape for business communications, it's time for your UpwardAction®!   How will you transform your business communication systems?   Need help?  Let us know.  UpwardAction® is here for you.

Expect Excellence!

Coach TC

Tasha (TC) Cooper Coleman, Esq. | UpwardAction® CEO

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  1. Nice post T.C. How do your strategies differ when you help small companies v. large? I think the small companies have an advantage – at least for now, but how long will that last? How long before big brands can martial all their resources and take advantage of the opportunities?

  2. I think that small business have the advantage of having far greater reach potential at far less cost than at any time in history.

    However, big businesses still have the advantage of more money to spend, and the fact that real world promotion usually ripples into online space.

    That said, there’s never been a better time to start out small grow!

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