Social Media, Keywords, Success

The Power of Keywords in Locating Business Opportunities with Social Media

Social media provides amazing insight into what is on the minds of your ideal clients and customers. Here's how to get started …

  1. Invest time conducting keyword research (or hire an agency like UpwardAction®) to get clear about exactly what your target market is searching for online as related to your industry and practice areas.
  2. Utilize this information to develop a list of about 15 power keywords.
  3. Use your power keywords to create GoogleAlerts and TweepBeeps to monitor online conversations that include your top 15 keywords.
  4. Now that you know where conversations involving your keywords are happening, listen by reading relevant blogs and articles + following key people on Twitter (aka Twitter) and becoming a Facebook friend or fan.
  5. Once you have engaged in the “art and science” of targeted “listening” – join the conversation with an intent to add value to the conversation.
  6. To add value, always seek to (i) engage, entertain, educate, inform, motivate or inspire those with whom you are interacting.

Following is an excerpt from a presentation about using social media for business.

Now that you know what to do, it's time for your UpwardAction®.    Let us know if we can help.  We are here to serve you!

Expect Excellence!

Coach TC

Tasha (TC) Cooper Coleman | UpwardAction® CEO

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