Setting S.M.A.R.T.E.R. Goals

Want to experience accelerated success? Start creating and implementing "S.M.A.R.T.E.R." Goals. Listen in as T.C Coleman, CEO of UpwardAction® teaches a step-by-step formula for setting goals that result in bottom-line success. Need help implementing any of the lessons discussed here? Call our offices at 1 (800) 753-6576 to learn about…

Pretty is not enough … websites must work.

During the past week, I have spoken with more than a few business owners who have invested in beautiful new websites that are not designed to "work" for their businesses.   What a waste of money and a "set-up" for disappointing results! A beautiful "brochure" website is not enough. In today's…

Online Business Strategies for Your Dream Business

Dream businesses lead with vision and follow-up with systems.  A vivid vision will inspire and motivate your target market, ideal client and most importantly YOU. The comprehensive nature of a vivid vision also serves as a framework for evaluating all decisions.  Framework is essential for building a thriving business positioned…

The Power of Working with Virtual Assistants

As your law practice evolves or your entrepreneurial endeavors take off, it will become increasingly difficult to effectively manage all aspects of your business and have a fulfilling personal life! This is especially true for those important, yet routine activities related to client or customer management and marketing. Hiring a…