Do You Need A Social Media Policy?

Does Your Company Need a Social Media Policy? Probably So. Do you employ people? Do you hire consultants? Do you work with interns or volunteers? If you answered yes to any of these questions, your company needs a social media policy. This is true for law firms, corporations, agencies and…

Branding Bootcamp

Business Branding Bootcamp Registration Opens Today! Does your business have magnetic appeal? Are opportunities from strategic partners flooding your inbox? What about your telephone? Is it ringing off the hook with inquiries from ideal clients and customers? If you answered yes to each of these questions, congratulations! Go back to…
Brian Moran

Brian Moran

Tasha (TC) Cooper is a great speaker! When it comes to helping companies build “magnetic” brands or incorporate social media into their existing business plans, there are few who do it better than TC. She delivers exceptional content in a style that makes it so easy to understand.  ~ Brian…