Summer bodies are made in winter.

Summer bodies are made in winter.

I read this quote on Facebook this AM …

Summer bodies are made in winter. ~Marissa Levin 

The truth of Marissa's quote was not only motivation for my commitment to healthy living (and by summer 2014 having the body of my dreams) … it also made me think about the commitment necessary to build strong relationships and a profitable business.

Her quote also made me think about a few other truths …

Unwavering faith is built on vision.
Strong relationships are built through struggle.
Profitable businesses are built when you sow every single day.

Here's how YOU can put these truths into action …

FIRST … make it your business to help your clients work through their struggle and get to prosperity … quickly.    Do this every day and your clients will not only love you, they will refer your programs, products and services to their network. They will become your raving fans.

Here's the thing … if you want to help your people accelerate their rate of success, you've got to know exactly how you help alleviate pain and accomplish goals.  Then, you've got to go out and do it .   Do what you know how to do well.   Eliminate, delegate or refer everything else out to those who do “that other thing” better. 

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SECOND … sow into your business every day and very soon your inbox and message machine will overflow with new opportunities to serve more people.

Here's how you sow into your business … commit to helping folks feel better, do better and BE BETTER every single day.  It's not hard to get this done.  A few ideas to get you started ==>

–> publish content online (blogs, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Slideshare, Instagram, Tumblr and LinkedIn are just a few places to get started),

–> make telephone calls to check-in with current, former and prospective clients;

–> use email or social media to send private messages to both people who you can help out and those who can help you out.

Here's the key … market your business by helping people and do this every single day.    This is the path to building social brand authority and attracting all of the business you'll ever need or want.

Stay Inspired!
TC Cooper

PS – Need help leveraging the power of technology and social media to systematize your efforts? Let's talk. Apply for a complimentary strategy session at

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