Free content gets you only so far …

Free content gets you only so far …

Let's talk about free content.

Expert and industry leaders often share fantastic information with their online communities through social media updates, blog posts, free audio programs, slide-share presentations and videos. This is what I like to call displaying diamonds in the showcase.  When provided by experts, free content is often great information that can help you get better results in your business.

Here's the thing … while the diamonds in the showcase can be worth a lot; it is important to know that the most valuable diamonds in a jeweler's collection are not in the showcase … they are in the VAULT.  And .. as is the case for all exclusive jewelers – you've got to be VIP to have access to the vault.

VIP = people who have at least demonstrated a willingness to invest. 

It is fine to consume free content from the folks you admire and respect (in fact – I highly recommend that you do).   However, know that if you want access to these folks' most valuable information and their time – you are going to have to invest in yourself by investing in their programs, products and/or services (aka “the vault”).

So … if you are really serious about making 2014 the year that you make IT happen … choose a mentor who you value and trust – then invest in his or her business offerings to accelerate your success.

If you're interested in using social media to accelerate your success, apply for a strategy session at   I'd love to see if I can help.

My best to your best!

TC Cooper

Photo courtesy of Flickr and International Gem and Jewelry Show

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