Increasing Executive Presence: The Role of Mindfulness and Meditation

Increasing Executive Presence: The Role of Mindfulness and Meditation

Executive presence is a concept that refers to the qualities of leaders that inspire trust, motivate team members, and stimulate respect from both internal and external stakeholders. It encompasses confidence, clear communication, charisma, authenticity, and the ability to motivate and inspire. Recent research has increasingly pointed to mindfulness and meditation…
It’s Time to Grow

It’s Time to Grow

Every situation presents an opportunity to GROW; Find it! When you FOCUS all of your ENERGY on having your life experiences be in ... ALIGNMENT with your VISION for the PRESENT & your FUTURE ... your experiences will begin to SUPPORT your VISION & you will GROW. Granted, this is…
Discipline:  Are you capable of it?

Discipline: Are you capable of it?

~~~~Discipline~~~~~~ The conscious and intentional decision to consistently take a course of action  is what ... Separates winners from losers. Creates fit bodies. Establishes strong relationships. Attracts business. Builds social brand authority. Generates revenue. Leads to the business and life of your dreams. Discipline. Are you capable of it? Does…