The New Kid on the Block – Quora

The New Kid on the Block – Quora

Although newcomer in the world of social networks and micro-blogging platforms, Quora can be a powerful tool for lawyers and other professionals.   It's is a mico-blogging platform that is built around a collection of questions and answers that are created, edited and organized by the community of Quora users.…
Build a Likeable Facebook Page – 21 Tips for Real Results

Build a Likeable Facebook Page – 21 Tips for Real Results

Facebook is a social network that makes it easy to find, engage and influence the thoughts, actions and decisions of your family, friends, colleagues and the Facebook community at large.  This heavy influence and enormous impact is thanks to the power of the "like button."  Here are 21 things that…

Build Relationships with Social Marketing

Successful social networking is all about building and leveraging relationships. Powerful relationships are built on trust and two abilities- your likeability and credibility. Before you can expect others to value your input, you must first "earn the right to be heard" by being likable and credible. Social media makes it…

21 Ways to Leverage the Power of Twitter

Twitter is a micro-blogging platform on which you can share 140 character messages in a public environment. Messages shared on Twitter are called "tweets" and can be viewed by (i) people who are following you on Twitter and (ii) people who are searching Twitter for keyword phrases that you have…