21 Ways to Leverage the Power of Twitter

Twitter is a micro-blogging platform on which you can share 140 character messages in a public environment. Messages shared on Twitter are called “tweets” and can be viewed by (i) people who are following you on Twitter and (ii) people who are searching Twitter for keyword phrases that you have used in your Tweets.  Your “tweets” can even show-up in Google searches for keyword phrases that appear in your tweets.

Here are 21 ways you can start using Twitter to expand the influence of your personal brand and increase the impact of your personal marketing strategy, starting right now.

  1. Customize your Twitter profile (http://Twitter.com) by completing your bio, uploading a photo, include your location and uploading a customized background that supports your brand.
  2. Use URL shorteners (like www.bit.ly.com) when sharing links to articles, blog posts, videos and other content to both save space and track the number of people who click your link. This helps to determine how valuable your Tweeple are finding your content.
  3. Use Tweets to answer FAQs in 140 characters or less. Try to limit your Tweets to 110 characters as this leaves plenty of space for “retweeting” your “tweet” in its entirety.
  4. Use photos in your Tweets to add personality and sharability of your messages.
  5. Find, track and use popular hash-tags to find new people to follow and attract new followers to your account.
  6. Find, track and use hash-tags for industry conferences to monitor industry events + trends, meet new people who are associated with your industry and discover opportunities for business development or client acquisition.
  7. Use hash-tags in your tweets to increase your visibility and attract new followers to your brand.
  8. Follow your clients on Twitter. Consider creating a private list of your clients for organization and privacy.
  9. Follow prospective clients on Twitter. Consider creating a private list of your prospective clients for organization and privacy.
  10. Follow industry leaders on Twitter.
  11. Follow colleagues on Twitter.
  12. Follow journalists on Twitter.
  13. Use Twitter to find speaking opportunities.
  14. Use a tool like Twitter Search (http://search.twitter.com) or Kurrently (http://www.Kurrently.com) to find people who are actively looking for the business solutions that you provide clients.
  15. Find people to follow at WeFollow (http://www.WeFollow.com).
  16. Find lawyers and legal industry folks on LexTweet (http://LexTweet.com).
  17. Use HootSuite (http://www.HootSuite.com) to schedule your Tweets.
  18. Use HootSuite to manage your social media team.
  19. Use HootSuite analytics to determine the impact of your tweets.
  20. Use TweetDeck to manage your Twitter account.
  21. Use Timely.Is to determine the best times of the day to send tweets so that you reach your intended audience. This tool will even schedule and post the Tweets for you!

Now that you know what to do, it's time for your UpwardAction.    Let me know how it goes.

Play to Win!

~TC Cooper

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