Although newcomer in the world of social networks and micro-blogging platforms, Quora can be a powerful tool for lawyers and other professionals.   It's is a mico-blogging platform that is built around a collection of questions and answers that are created, edited and organized by the community of Quora users. Think of it as Twitter meets LinkedIn Answers.

If you're interested in learning how you can leverage the power of this mirco-blogging platform, keep reading …

  1. Create a compelling bio that summarizes your expertise and shares your interest in specific topics.
  2. Create different (yet related) bios for different topics that you follow. Separate bios should be strongly connected to each other, but can focus on a different aspect of your background and expertise.  If compiled and read together, your bios should tell the “story” of your brand.
  3. Invite your Gmail, Yahoo or AOL contacts to join you on Quora using the automated tool.
  4. Follow company executives and other leaders who fit your ideal client profile.
  5. Use “trending topics” to find people to follow on Quora.
  6. Use Quora for market research and ideas for blog posts and social media updates by following interesting questions and topics.
  7. Search for keyword phrases related to your target audience and industry to find new ideas for new articles and blog posts.
  8. Make thoughtful + insightful comments on questions to increase visibility, attract new followers and make new connections.
  9. Answer questions related to your industry and expertise to increase visibility, attract new followers and make new connections.
  10. “Vote Up” answers that you find valuable and thoughtful to increase visibility, attract new followers and make new connections.
  11. Ask thoughtful and insightful “follow up” questions on Quora to inspire dialogue in a way that builds relationships while strengthening your credibility as a subject matter expert.
  12. Help people find your questions by “tagging” them with appropriate topics and keywords.
  13. Expand your digital footprint and showcase your expertise by posting content from your blog on your Quora profile.
  14. Drive traffic by including links to helpful article or blog posts on your website.
  15. Increase PR opportunities by following and building relationships with journalists.
  16. Listen to your target market by monitoring the names and brands of competitors.
  17. Listen to your target market by monitoring your name and brands.
  18. Use Quora for lead generation. Take a look at who has viewed, responded or is following your questions.  Make a point to send these people a personal note offering assistance.
  19. Build stronger relationships with your Twitter followers by following them and their questions on Quora.
  20. Build stronger relationships with your Facebook friends by following them and their questions on Quora.
  21. Build a greater following on Quora by including a link to your Quora account on your blog or website.
Now that you know what to do, it's time for your UpwardAction.  Leave a comment to let me know how it goes!
Play to Win!
TC Cooper
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1 Comment

  1. That’s a useful plan of action for Quora but how doe you rank the site against LinkedIn and Google+ ? For me it’s a matter of time and horses for courses…

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