7 Resources for Internet & Social Media Data

7 Resources for Internet & Social Media Data

Successful marketing and social brand authority campaigns are based on great data. Following are several of my favorite resources for finding white papers, charts, graphs and other data about social media, mobile and Internet usage.

1. Pew Internet Project @ http://www.pewinternet.org for tons of statistics and other data.

2. comScore Data Mine @ http://www.comscoredatamine.com for charts, graphs and webinars about Internet and digital technology usage.

3. eMarketer @ http://emarketer.com for great articles and research-based information about the digital marketplace.

4. Compete @ http://compete.com for whites papers filled with interesting data about Internet and digital technology usage.

5. Quantcast @ http://quantcast.com for website rankings and other data.

6. W3 Counter @ http://www.w3counter.com/globalstats.php for data about the most popular web brewers.

7. Econsultancy @ http://econsultancy.com for access to tons of white pages, articles and other information regarding social media, Internet and digital technology usage. While access to most of the white papers on this website requires a subscription, the blog is pretty good and there is access to several free reports.


If you have another favorite resource for research or data, leave it in the comments below!   I’d love to hear from you.

Keep Striving!

TC Cooper


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