UpwardAction® is proud to announce our PILOT Fellowship for talented young people who are interested in an immersive digital media and leadership development experience.
UpwardAction® Fellows will have a key role in helping our team increase the visibility and impact of our MogulMoxie® feature programs.
As a UpwardAction® Fellow, you'll work closely with TC Cooper and our company’s Social Media Manager.
Four Components of our Inaugural UpwardAction® Fellowship:
Learning opportunities around content creation, digital marketing, and interviewing leaders.
Training and Development:
Full and complete access to all of our training programs.
Learn soft-skills, etiquette, and protocol for working with and managing international contractors and engaging with leaders on social networks.
Real-work work experience:
Opportunity to expand your writing portfolio with contributing authorship credit on blog posts and articles that feature MogulMoxie® leaders.
Career coaching and counseling with TC Cooper and her network of leaders.
Networking with MogulMoxie® leaders and TC Cooper's network of leaders.
Benefits of the Fellowship:
Opportunities to interview leaders for networking and exposure.
Opportunities to expand your knowledge of what’s working in digital media from targeted research projects.
Exposure to all aspects of leadership through the interview series.
Opportunity to shadow at least one pioneering female leader in TC’s network for a virtual mentoring day.
As a UpwardAction® Fellow you will learn how to:
Use social media to increase online engagement;
Write and track advertisements and posts for Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn;
Use various social media tools and systems;
Manage and execute a content marketing plan; and
Masterfully accomplished other important projects as assigned.
Let's Get To the Logistics
Fall, Spring or Summer Semester – or a 4-month period
Ideal Fellow:
UpwardAction seeks to identify college students, graduate students, or young professionals who are interested in an immersive experience in digital media and leadership development.
This position is ideal for leaders who are interested in pursuing careers or increasing their education and professional development in journalism, digital marketing, or online communications.
Fellowship Responsibilities:
Help identify leaders to interview for our website and podcast (faith-based or racial justice).
Edits responses to questionnaires and turn them into blog posts.
Work with our executive assistant/ social media manager to develop social media promotional posts from the interview questions.
Help update and refine interview questions.
Work with our graphic editor to create images to support the blog posts and social media posts.
Work with our executive assistant to manage and follow-up on correspondence with interviewees.
Research projects related to what’s new and what’s working in social media
Assist with publication of weekly highlights newsletter. You support our executive assistant/ social media manager.
To be a successful UpwardAction® Fellow you must:
Be responsible and thrive on successfully completing independent work projects;
Be able to follow directions and adhere to deadlines;
Have experience using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram;
Have an interest in social media, online marketing;
Have strong writing skills;
Be an excellent proofreader;
Have the ability to produce high quality, error-free work;
Have the ability to communicate efficiently and professionally; and
Have a strong interest in learning to use a wide variety of digital marketing tools and online platforms.
Once you become an Upwardaction® Fellow, Here's what you can expect and what we expect:
Fellowship Work Commitments:
Weekly team meeting (once a week) at 6:30 AM (EST).
Assignments often due within a week.
Weekly 1:1 feedback and mentoring with TC.
Success is measured by:
Attention to detail.
Properly proofread assignments.
Timely assignments.
Creativity and innovation with identifying leaders and creating storyboards for showcasing their interviews.
Soft-skills when interacting online with leaders being interviewed and working with our international team.
$500 at the end of your fellowship program.
Here's how to apply for this fellowship opportunity:
Fellowship Application Requirements:
If you're interested in applying for this opportunity at UpwardAction® LLC, please e-mail a cover letter and the following information to –> WeCare{@}UpwardAction.com. Put “UpwardAction Fellowship” in the subject of your e-mail.
One page resume.
Personal statement (300 to 500 words). Tell us about yourself and how this Fellowship experience will help you achieve your goals.
Links to two of your social media accounts, your choice.
All submissions will receive a response within 3 business days.
If your application passes the first stage of review, we will request two letters of recommendation. If we request recommendations, please ask the people who write your letters to focus on your writing, time management skills, and work ethic.
If this Fellowship opportunity reads like a dream, Team UpwardAction looks forward to hearing from you!