Keep moving

Keep moving

A few thoughts to fuel your Sunday … 
The Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline. 
God doesn’t want us to be shy with his gifts, but bold and loving and sensible.   II Timothy 1:7

1)  Experience overcomes fear.  Experience is the results of action.  Do. Fail. Learn. Try Again.  Repeat again and again and again and you'll get into your flow.

2)  Your vision for the future should take your breathe away.   If it doesn't, create a new one.  

3)  Before you can care for others, you've got to first take care of yourself.  Period.  

4)  Negative and discouraging comments from others are about them, not you. Move on. 

5)  Believe in your potential … no matter what comes your way. 

6)  Prayer without ceasing – with the expectation that your prayers will be answered as God's will is done. 

7)  If you're going to win, you've got to have social brand authority that influences people.  You've got to offer to help people.  AND, you've got to promote yourself.  

Hold these thoughts dear and get ready to soar in 2014.  

My best to your best!  

TC Cooper

PS –  Need help using social media to attract new business opportunities?  Let's chat.  Click here to apply for a complimentary strategy session. 

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