Build a Likeable Facebook Page – 21 Tips for Real Results

Build a Likeable Facebook Page – 21 Tips for Real Results

Facebook is a social network that makes it easy to find, engage and influence the thoughts, actions and decisions of your family, friends, colleagues and the Facebook community at large.  This heavy influence and enormous impact is thanks to the power of the “like button.”  Here are 21 things that you can do right now to build a “likable” Facebook page that supports your personal marketing plan of action.

  1. Answer all of the business profile questions for your Facebook business page. This helps the folks who visit and like your page get to know, like and trust your business.
  2. Build your Facebook community around a topic that is of interest to your target audience.
  3. Acknowledge new people who like your Facebook page by sending a welcome message.
  4. Acknowledge new people who like your Facebook page by visiting their page and leaving a nice comment.
  5. Once your have 25 likes on your Facebook page, go to and select a custom URL for your Facebook page.
  6. Include a link to your Facebook page on your email signature.
  7. Include a link to your Facebook page on your website or blog.
  8. Include a link to your Facebook page in your business cards.
  9. Use a tool like to automate the sharing of your blog posts you’re your Facebook community..
  10. Invest in Facebook Ads to increase visibility for your programs, products, services and campaigns.
  11. Create hyper-targeted Facebook ads for specific segments of your target audience.
  12. Share your Facebook updates with your Twitter community by going to to connect these networks.  You must be logged into your Facebook account for this to work.
  13. Increase the visibility and popularity of your Facebook page by embedding a Facebook Fan page widget on your blog or website.
  14. Integrate the Facebook Comment feature into your website.
  15. Hold content for your Facebook friends to increase comments on your Facebook page and likes on those comments.
  16. Use the @{INSERT Facebook Page or Friend name} tag to increase the visibility of your page while communicating with others within the Facebook community.
  17. Create a custom landing page for your Facebook page that encourages people to like your page.
  18. Include a compelling video on your Facebook landing page that encourages people to like your page.
  19. Post success stories about your clients on your wall.  Be sure to get written permission first.
  20. Post videos on your wall (original and those that you curate from third party sources) that have been selected to add value and inspire dialogue.
  21. Post upcoming events on your Facebook wall that including webinars, conferences and other programs that feature your business and/or that are likely to be of interest to your target audience.
Now that you know what to do, it's time to get into UpwardAction.   Let me know about your success and challenges with implementing these tips.   I'd love to hear from you!
Play to Win!
TC Cooper
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