Check Us Out on Thumbtack

Check Us Out on Thumbtack

Success online requires that you show up in the places where your ideal clients are looking for help. Thumbtack is one of these places, and we're thrilled to have a new presence on their site. Thumbtack provide a fantastic online service that matches people who are looking for specific services…

7 Ways to Attract Business on Facebook

Social media provides powerful opportunities to market your business in a way that impacts  the lives of people every single day.   Here's how ... 1.  Create great content every day. 2.  Visit at least one Facebook group and help someone out by providing your expert advice (for free) every day.…

Why are you doing IT?

Why are you doing it?  Inquiring minds want to know ... Jumping on the bandwagon. Keeping up with the Joneses. Feeding your ego. Avoiding confrontation. Avoiding the truth. Hiding the truth. Because you just don't know what else to do. These are popular excuses (disguised as reasons) to do IT.…
UpwardAction Salutes Lamar and Ronnie Tyler

UpwardAction Salutes Lamar and Ronnie Tyler

In honor of Valentine's Day, we're celebrating African American Power Couple - Lamar and Ronnie Tyler - founders of   Keep reading for 10 Facts about this Online Publishing Power Couple. 5 Facts About Lamar and Ronnie Tyler 1.  After dating for 11 months, they knew that they were soul-mates…