Endorsement from Michael Cararelli

Endorsement from Michael Cararelli

TC Cooper is a consummate professional with an abundance of knowledge in social media and other related areas. As a client of TC for a coaching and a participant in a six-week Business Branding program, she ‘blew me away’ with her breadth, depth of knowledge and willingness to ensure that she met everyone’s expectations. She has so much knowledge and information to share that I came away from the engagement with her ‘wired’ and ‘motivated’ because she provides actionable material as she walks you through the entire process effortlessly.

I’ve yet to meet a presenter/coach who has the broad skills, strong presentation style and deep understanding of social media marketing that TC brings to the table. She adds value in so many areas and she has a keen eye as she reviews a client’s website and social media connections to make ‘spot-on’ recommendations for immediate improvement and sustained growth. In every meeting and presentation, I’ve been involved in with TC she has shown her passion for her work which opens one’s thoughts and implementation plans to a new level.   Thanks TC!”    Michael Cafarelli, President, GuardChild.com 

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