Building a compelling and magnetic brand is critical to  an Magnetic Sunseteffective social media marketing program.   Your clients and customers must first have an emotional connection with you and your brand before they can be influenced by you and your message.

Magnetic brands have clear messages that do 9 primary things:

  1. Proactively seek to understand the wants, needs and desires of  ideal clients.
  2. Exhibit transparency.
  3. Focus on what is immediately relevant in addition to future needs.
  4. Build credibility.
  5. Build trust on their platform of credibility.
  6. Consistently engage clients where they are (e.g., most popular networks from the client's perspective).
  7. Create opportunities for communication and engagement.
  8. Inform clients about how their needs are being met and value is being created.
  9. Inspire loyalty.

Inquiring minds want to know: Now that you know what it takes to establish your magnetic brand, where will you start?  I want to hear from you!

Expect the Best!

Coach TC

Tasha Cooper Coleman, Esq. (Coach TC)
Speaker, Author, Executive Coach
Personal Branding & Digital Marketing Strategist for Lawyers, Law Firms and Professional Service Providers

PS – Need help developing a compelling personal brand? We can help! Brainstorm with Coach TC to get yourself moving in the right direction!

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1 Comment

  1. The points “Exhibit transparency” and “Build trust:” can be achieved using social networking and social media appropriately for connecting with customers and other interested parties.

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