Sharing Documents – Made Easy

YouSendIt makes sharing large files online easy and affordable. Have you have ever had trouble sending a large file to a client by email. If you answered YES, you’ll love YouSendIt at This free technology makes it easy to send large files online. It also provides a simple solution…

I Love WordPress, Yes I Do.

I'm coming clean. In my opinion, a website built on the self-hosted WordPress platform is essential to building and maintaining an influential, profitable online presence. If you are ready to leverage the power of the Internet to build your brand and grow your business - Build a WordPress self-hosted website…

Pretty is not enough … websites must work.

During the past week, I have spoken with more than a few business owners who have invested in beautiful new websites that are not designed to "work" for their businesses.   What a waste of money and a "set-up" for disappointing results! A beautiful "brochure" website is not enough. In today's…

Web 2.0 Tools for Small Business Growth & Development

Web 2.0 technology makes it possible for professional service firms and retail businesses (both large and small) to (i) monitor their brand, (ii) track activities of key clients and (iii) engage their target market like never before. Helping companies optimize their business for strategic on-line growth is one of my…